Google Tag Manager: The Ins and Outs
Google Tag Manager gives webmasters an easy and flexible method of managing tags — those tiny bits of code that let the marketing experts determine the habits and actions of visitors. Introduced by the search engine giant in 2005, it’s become an invaluable tool that small businesses can use to solidify their digital marketing efforts. Doing so enables them to obtain the results from marketing that they desire. Learning how to use Google Tag Manager correctly allows businesses to get right to the benefits of this often-underutilized tool.
Using Tags Correctly
Using tags such as AdWords, Crazy Egg, Google Analytics and Floodlight is a step that allows businesses to further refine their digital marketing strategy. While using tags is important, doing so can become confusing pretty quickly. Google Tag Manager helps businesses keep their tags streamlined and organized to avoid costly errors, missing data, or user frustration as well as distorted visitor results. Instead, webmasters can eliminate these issues and run sound, vibrant digital campaigns.
Utilizing Tag Manager to Update a Website
Google Tag Manager gives users the flexibility to update two key areas of their website: configuration values and tags. Any mobile apps that are associated with a website can easily be configured using Google Tag Manager. Timeout, gameplay dynamics, and ad position are just a few of the values that can be tweaked using this tool in addition to the tags used on the site.
Setting Up to Use Tag Manager
While it can seem like a confusing process, getting set up to use Google Tag Manager is pretty simple. After making an account with a business username, webmasters can set up a container to help them manage the traffic on their target website. Some examples of items that might be in a container include the domain of the website in question as well as any landing pages that could glean interesting information.
Adding the Right Code to Return Results
After setting up containers, Google Tag Manager returns a snippet of code that should be added to each page that is to be studied. In order to be effective, this code needs to be pasted immediately after the opening tag as well as any other pages that the webmaster wants to study. Options for adding tags are also offered. Businesses can pick and choose which ones to use, but Google Analytics is a popular one. Adding a firing rule allows for further customization of Google Tag Manager.
The End Result
After publishing Google Tag Manager, it is easy for the webmaster to update tags and make any necessary changes to the containers. Google Analytics will deliver data on visitors right to the email of the webmaster. By using Google Tag Manager, though, a business can take full advantage of other available tags as well. One of the best options for using tag manager is that requests from your agency to insert code on your site no longer needed. Your agency can now insert your tags without needing special access to your website.
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