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Google States its Top 3 Search Ranking Signals

by Brian Colling - July 07, 2016

Google’s Top 3 Search Ranking Signals

Getting a better search ranking is one of the things that companies have been chasing since the invention of the internet. The higher you rank, the more clicks you get and the more exposure your website gets. During the mid-2000s, the idea of search engine optimization became an entire field of expertise. Back then, search engines ranked websites based on how recognizable their keywords were. Keyword stuffing became all the rage. However, Google has spent the last decade making a massive change to its website ranking platform and search engine tools. This means what used to work is no longer valid. And although Google will never come right out and tell developers the secret ingredients to better search positions, they have indicated some of the more important factors: Rankbrain, links, and content.

Google's Top 3 SEO Ranking Signals hide

3. RankBrain

RankBrain is the third most important factor, according to Google last year. RankBrain is the machine learning initiative that helps its search engine process natural language, leading to better results. Machine learning is another name for artificial intelligence, meaning the computer is learning from its own interactions with search results rather than having a human being teach it how to react.

2. Links

In the world of website optimization, link building has become the forefront of SEO management. Google recognizes this and places it on the same level as content. The goal for any website is to get sites within its genre to share links to its content. While this used to be something that was done through elaborate link-sharing promotions, the search engine can now detect link spamming, making it harder to get inbound links. Now, links must come from other trustworthy sources, such as other websites within the same genre. The world of “black hat” link building, where using spam and other under-the-board linking techniques, has come under fire by Google and even big websites for major brands were punished severely for participating in the practice.

1. Content

Content used to mean using keywords strategically to keep your website relevant to targeted search terms. However, this type of keyword is only part of the solution these days, as Google has become more sophisticated in its processes. Today, content must be natural sounding and full of information. Sites that have daily updates are more favored than sites with static content.

With a combination of these three techniques, climbing the SEO ladder is possible. Build up enough new, relevant content and be patient, as your site will eventually gain traction. Don’t rely on spam techniques and other underhanded tactics and watch as your site organically rises in rank.

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