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Advertising Agency Onboarding: What You Should Expect

by Colling Media - March 29, 2024

Advertising Agency Onboarding Process

When you partner with a new advertising agency, the advertising agency onboarding process is a crucial first step. This structured approach isn’t just about ticking boxes; it’s about establishing a solid foundation for your collaboration to meet and exceed your marketing goals.

1. Advertising Agency Onboarding Team

As part of the onboarding process for marketing campaigns, expect to be introduced to your designated Account Manager. This person will be your main point of contact when planning your marketing campaign and ensuring that your strategy aligns with your objectives. You’ll also meet the Account Coordinator, who assists with daily tasks, and a Backup Account Manager, guaranteeing uninterrupted service.

2. Advertising Agency Onboarding Initial Steps

The journey begins with an onboarding call introducing you to the team that will bring your advertising campaigns to life. An onboarding process or checklist should follow, outlining essential steps and requirements and acting as your guide to a successful campaign launch.

3. Technical Setup

Technical setup in advertising plays a pivotal role, especially for campaigns focused on analytics and reporting. Early discussions with the Tech Team should cover integrating your data sources and creating a reporting dashboard for advertising campaigns, ensuring you have real-time access to performance metrics.

4. Campaign Planning

An advertising agency should provide you with a campaign launch date, signaling when you can expect ads to go live. Weekly status calls in advertising ensure ongoing communication, allowing for strategy adjustments based on campaign progress and feedback.

5. Advertising Agency Onboarding Ongoing Communication

Beyond the launch, agency leadership check-ins should happen and you should have continuous access to the Account Executive who facilitated your partnership to underscore the agency’s commitment to your success. These steps ensure your status with the agency is intact and does not drop off.

6. Additional Key Points

marketing feedback mechanism should be offered to enhance collaboration. Be ready for adjustments and flexibility in your approach, driven by market dynamics and campaign data. Moreover, educational resources from the agency should be provided to deepen your understanding of the marketing tools and strategies in your marketing campaign.

Advertising Agency Onboarding Conclusion

The advertising agency onboarding process lays the groundwork for achieving marketing success. This tailored approach ensures precise alignment and fosters effective collaboration, setting the stage for meeting and exceeding your marketing objectives. If you’re not greeted with an onboarding process like the one outlined above, you might want to reconsider which agency is really your “partner.”

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